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CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company held the Employee Conference 2019

On 27 November 2019, in Vung Tau City, CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company held the Employee Conference to review 2019 production and business activities and implement the 2020 plan.

It was honor for the Company to welcome the leaders of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation: Mr. Nguyen Sinh Khang – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Phan Quoc Nghia – Member of the Board of Directors; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Huy – Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Sy Dam – Chief of Office of the Party Committee; Mr. Mai Huu Ngan – Head of the Supervisory Board; Mr. Nguyen Van Hung – Chairman of Trade Union and leaders of the departments of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation. On the side of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company, there were the presence of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Board of Management and 112 delegates representing 258 employees of the Company who attended the Conference.

The Conference promoted democratic rights of employees, created conditions for employees to contribute ideas, decide and supervise issues related to their rights, interests, obligations and responsibilities. The Conference approved the following contents: Summary report on production and business activities in 2019 and business plan in 2020; Report on implementation of the Collective Labor Agreement, Labor Regulations, Democracy Regulations and policies for employees in 2019; List of personnel participating in the 2020 periodical dialogue; List of employees attending the Employees Conference of superior organizations.

Speaking at the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Deputy General Director of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation recognized, praised and encouraged the collective leadership and staff of CNG Vietnam for their efforts to complete all production and business targets in 2019, contributing to the overall success of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation. Besides, he also analyzed, assessed and shared the general situation of the gas market, the gas industry planning for CNG Vietnam to shape the picture of production and business, proactively preparing resources for 2020 and the following years. On behalf of the Corporation’s Leadership, he believes and wishes CNG Vietnam will successfully complete its business and production tasks in 2020.

In 2019, CNG Vietnam successfully completed the targets in terms of volume, revenue and profit; material and spiritual life of the employees was enhanced; Social and charity activities were implemented by Trade Union and Youth Union and actively participated by employees. However, difficulties are still ahead, at the Conference, Mr. Vu Van Thuc – Director of the Company called on all employees to promote the spirit of solidarity, joint effort, creative labor, enthusiasm to fulfill the tasks of production, business and safe production in 2020.

Pictures taken at the Conference:

The Conference’s Presidium

Employees voted at the Conference

  Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Deputy General Director of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation spoke at the Conference

Rewarding individuals with outstanding achievements

Took photos at the Conference
