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The Second Party Congress of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company, term 2020-2025

To implement Plan No. 20-KH/DU dated 27 November 2019 of the Party Committee of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation on organizing party congresses at all levels towards the 10th  Congress of Party Committees of the Corporation, on 26 February 2020, at Palace Hotel – Vung Tau City, the Party Committee of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company solemnly held the second Party Congress, term 2020 – 2025. Attending and directing the Congress were comrades:

1) Mr. Nguyen Sinh Khang – Member of the Executive Board of Party Committee of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group – Secretary of the Party Committee – Chairman of the Board of Directors of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation; 2) Mr. Phan Quoc Nghia – Member of the Standing Board of Party Committee, Member of the Board of Directors of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation; 3) Mr. Tran Duc Son – Member of Standing Board of Party Committee, Head of Organization and Personnel Department of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation; 4) Mr. Nguyen Sy Dam – Member of the Executive Board of Party Committee, Chief of the Office of Party Committee of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation; 5) Mr. Nguyen Van Hung – Member of the Executive Board of Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation.

In the term 2015 – 2020, implementing the resolution of the 9th Party Congress of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation, the resolution of the 1st Party Congress of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company, with the direction of the Party Committee, Board of Directors, Board of Managment of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation; the Party Committee of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company successfully completed the assigned political tasks, achieved many outstanding achievements with impressive numbers during the whole term such as: Total gas consumption volume reached 712.39 million Sm3, total revenue reached 7,105.1 billion VND, total profit before tax reached 687.49 billion VND, customer search and market development were drastically and strongly deployed by the Company, contributing to increased number of customers, the output has grown continuously year by year, the Company has gradually dominated CNG market, customer network spread throughout the Southeastern region and the Northern region. The capacity and fighting strength of the Party organization has been constantly improved and promoted, maintaining the title of strong Party Committee during the entire term with 100% of Party members completing and fulfilling their tasks or more, the material and spiritual life of employees is guaranteed and enhanced.

Inheriting and promoting the achievements achieved in the period 2015 – 2020, on basis of the situation in the period 2020 – 2025, the second Party Congress of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company approved the orientation, tasks and solutions for the next term in order to successfully complete the following general objectives: i) Building a strong Party committee and political system in the Company; ii) Continuing to maintain its position as a leading enterprise in the CNG field; iii) Researching technology, investing in synchronous infrastructure to catch up with LNG products; iv) Expanding and developing the national market; v) Ensuring safe and effective production and business.

In a democratic atmosphere, after a process of urgent and serious work, the Congress elected 07 comrades to the Executive Board of the Company’s Party Committee for the term 2020 – 2025, in which Comrade Nguyen Thi Hong Hai – Chairwoman of the Board of Directors – took the position of Secretary, Mr. Vu Van Thuc – Director of the Company – assumed the position of Deputy Secretary, Chairman of the Inspection Committee.

The Congress also heard the recognition, encouragement, sharing and direction of Mr. Tran Duc Son – Representative of the Standing Board of the Party Committee, Head of the Organization and Personnel Department of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation.

The Congress of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company for the 2020-2025 term is of special significance, marking the company’s strong and comprehensive development journey, and at the same time opening a new development period with many opportunities, intertwined with many difficulties and challenges. The Congress was deeply aware of the heavy and glorious responsibility for officials, Party members and employees throughout the Company. Inheriting and promoting the achievements achieved during the formation and development of the Company, especially in the period of 2015 – 2020, the Party Committee and employees of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company are determined to unite, improve the exemplary spirit of Party members, be dynamic, creative, take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges, continue to build a strong Party Committee, promote all resources, especially internal resources, successfully implement the goals and tasks of the Party Congress of the Company for the term 2020 – 2025, actively contributing to PetroVietnam Gas Corporation to maintain its leading role in the Vietnam Gas Industry and international integration.

Some pictures taken at the Congress:
